– WordPress members can import.
– WordPress users extra fields can be mapped with the account.
– BuddyPress members can import.
– BuddyPress members extra fields(xprofile) can be mapped with the account
– Existing users account updation.
– User password set from CSV file.
– xProfile fields all type fields supports.
Important points:
– Must have database back before importing users/members.
– Individual data should be in double quote and separated by comma(,).
– First line should contain only fields name.
– For BuddyPress xprofile fields name should be as same as the name of database table column name.
– To import values for multivalued field vales must be separated by double colon(::)
Eg: if a multivalued field having data WordPress and BuddyPress then in CSV file you have to provide these vales as WordPress::BuddyPress
– Check the check box(Username and e-mail ID are same.) if you want to use username as same as email address.
– Check the check box(Send username and password to new users.) if you want to send username and password to users mail.
– Check the check box(Show password nag on new users sign-in.) if you want user must change their password in their first sign-in.
– Check the check box(Username and e-mail ID are same.) if you want to use username as same as email address.
– An example csv file will be present in plugin package.
Price: $20 only
How to get this plugin: http://shop.youngtechleads.com/downloads/buddypress-members-import/
Do you have this plugin: Follow the link for installation
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